pole display and barcode scanner world wide pos
Point of Sale Provider to the World : (866)468-5767
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photo of pole display from Logic Controls, Epson, Unitech Credit Card Swiper
Looking for a credit card reader or magnetic strip swiper? World Wide POS sells top of line readers and swipers that can be used for credit card, customer discount cards, employee swipe card, and many other uses. Call us toll free at (866)468-5767 or order online.

Available are swipers from the following manufacturers MagTek, IDTech, HHP, Logic Controls, Unitech, PSC, PartnerTech, and Pioneer.

Ring up Credit Cards
Ring up a sale in seconds using a credit card swiper that attaches neatly on to the side of your monitor.

Customer Discount Cards or Gift Cards
Use the same magnetic strip swiper that you use for credit cards to swipe Gift Cards and Refillable Cash Cards that are unique to your store. By using your own Customer cardsd and gift cards you create customer loyalty with the people who shop at your store or restaurant.

Free Merchant accounts are available to process credit cards over the internet. Please call for application.

Call and place your order today: (866) 468-5767
or Order Online

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Receipt Printers | Barcode Scanners | Pole Display | Cash Drawer | Credit Card Reader

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